Chez Piggy | Kingston, ON

I finally had the pleasure of visiting Chez Piggy, a staple of Kingston's food and drink scene. Having never stepped foot inside before, I was pleasantly surprised by the establishment's quaint and homey interior and the variety offered by its food an drink menus.

We were greeted and we asked to be seated at the bar on the restaurant's main floor, which is accompanied by a very nice courtyard patio in the summer season. We arrived late in the evening and had just missed the kitchen, which was a shame because each of us were dying to try the menu, but regardless we asked to take a look for future reference, a move that turned out to be pure torture as each of the dishes featured on Chez Piggy's menu had our taste buds attention.

When visiting a new restaurant, I often like to opt for a seat at the bar. I enjoy engaging with the bartender and getting a good seat that will allow me to really get a feel for the place. Our bartender that evening immediately had us happy with our seating choice. He was friendly, knowledgeable, and attentive.

When you walk into a restaurant, you are often quickly made aware that you are not the only guest in the establishment, moreover, you are not a priority. What a shame! This was not the case at Chez Piggy. Sam the bartender did a great job in providing us with quality service. It was late and we were his only guests. He took the time to familiarize us with the establishment and its features, encouraging our return by drawing out attention to menu items, such as the wonderful selection of vegetarian dishes, and promoting some of the restaurants assets that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. 

Quality service, cocktails, and some great conversation came of our visit to Chez Piggy. 

Will we return? Of course we will. 

each and every guest

A restaurant's success comes as a result of the satisfaction of their guests, which is earned as guests' familiarize themselves with a restaurant and come to trust the menu, the staff, and the establishment as a whole. The economy plays a factor in the way that people spend their money, and when the employment rates and economy in Ontario are not doing so hot, people are more cautious about how they spend their money. 

When a guest visits a restaurant and feels that they are valued as a customer, that can go a long way. When they enjoy the food, are happy with the service, and the ambiance is appropriately set, the customer finds a sense of comfort - that's what every owner should want and what a restaurants team should strive to achieve for the satisfaction of each and every guest. 

From my experience, the establishments in which you will find these qualities are the ones that are led by owners and managers that are passionate about food and drink, taking pride in their work and valuing each opportunity to showcase the establishment's greatest attributes ensuring a memorable and positive experience for all guests. 

Mamma Grazzi's | Byward Market, Ottawa, ON

Friends were visiting from Calgary and Montreal, so we decided to organize a dinner out for the occasion. We chose Italian food, as it would be a menu easy to please everyone. Mamma Grazzi's had impressed us in the past, so it seemed like a good choice for the occasion. 

Unfortunately, the whole table was not impressed with the service. Though the server was attentive, she seemed very impatient and rude when dealing with our guests. Everyone was in a great mood and unfortunately her attitude brought everyone down. 

I had ordered the Caprese Salad, an appetizer I always order if it is on a menu, I've ordered the salad here before. Much to my disappointment the salad consisted of one very small piece of mozzarella cut in half w each half served on top of an under ripened slice of tomato (almost white) on top of a toast cracker, accompanied by a bed of mixed greens. Needless to say this is not, from a definition standpoint, a Caprese Salad, and the ingredients used would embarrass any Italian chef. 

My boyfriend ordered a rye and ginger and was instead served a rye and coke. 

Three girls at our table ordered a pitcher of sangria to share - $34 for 1 liter. Unfortunately the ladies were unimpressed as they typically order sangria when going out, and this sangria 'tasted like watered down apple juice' and was not worth the $34 they paid. 

Unfortunately that's not all, my pasta was also cold and did not seem fresh. 

It makes me sad that we had this experience here, as I've always recommended Mamma Grazzi's to friends and clients. One would expect a restaurant to house their establishment with their strongest staff members, I hoping that this experience was just a result of inexperienced staff and not a reflection of what Mamma Grazzi's has become.