The Works | Princess Street, Kingston, ON

While strolling around the hub we decided to grad a burger at The Works because we knew the franchise from living in Ottawa and assumed it to be a safe bet for good food and satisfactory service.

We ordered drinks and an appetizer from our server. Another server later came to take our meal order and we each ordered a burger. Our food took 45+ minutes to arrive and we never received the appetizer we had ordered. Once our burgers had arrived, I asked the server if she could check with the kitchen to see how long out appetizer would be. She told us that she didn't know we had ordered an appetizer, to which I told her the original server had taken our original drink and app order. She said that she would go and check with the kitchen. She never came back to the table and avoided acknowledging us throughout our meal. Our burgers were over salted and definitely not the quality we had experienced in Ottawa.

After finishing our meal we had to wait a while (jackets on, plates stacked, etc.) and had to ask for our bill. She never acknowledged the fact that we hadn't received all that we had ordered. Unfortunately this was a super easy fix, something that could have been prevented with some training. As well, with a present managerial staff overseeing quality of food and service, situations like this can be very easily rectified ensuring happy customers and some return business... possibly even a great review.

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